Boston Herald reporting on call for Governor Baker to include type 1 diabetes on comorbidity list
Petition starter, Jessica von Goeler, emotional interview with NBC (video) Covers Gov. Baker's decision to further review updated CDC guidance
Petition starter, Jessica von Goeler, quoted in the New York Times
The Petition Made Boston 25's 10:00 and 11:00 PM News
The Boston Herald: Type1 diabetes doesn't qualify for Massachusetts coronavirus vaccine priority, but type 2 does
Consumer Reports: Why Diabetes and COVID Is So DangerousPractical assessment of every day risks and challenges of COVID for all patients with diabetes Does Diabetes Qualify for Vaccine Priority in Massachusetts? Depends on Which Type
CNN: Covid-19 Vaccination is Key for People with Underlying Health Conditions, but Access Varies State to State.
High level analysis of impact of vaccine rollout on people with underlying conditions
STAT News: People with Type 1 Diabetes have a Higher Risk of Dying from COVID-19. Why are They Lower on CDC’s Vaccine Priority List?
The Hill: Advocacy Groups Call for Including Type 1 Diabetes Among Prioritized Vaccine Recipients